Layered Beet Salad
This salad, while a bit time-intensive, is absolutely delicious and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you are sensitive to pickles during your treatments, just leave them out - the salad will still be delicious! Here are the ingredients:
3 medium-sized beets
3 large potatoes
2 carrots
3-4 pickles
4 sheets nori (seaweed)
Vegan mayonnaise (can substitute vegan yoghurt, if available)
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Fresh or dried dill
Method: peel and boil the beets, potatoes and carrots. Once cool, grate and set aside in separate bowls. Grate the pickles as well. Add a splash of olive oil to the beets, optionally some mayonnaise as well. Assemble as such: starting with a layer of mayonnaise, spread on a plate. Follow with a layer of potatoes. Use your fingers or a spoon to pat firmly on the plate. Cover with mayo and salt and pepper, the follow with carrots, mayo, then 2 pieces of crumbled seaweed nori. Next layer your pickles. You should have enough potatoes to do another layer of them, followed by mayo and nori again. Finally, cover your cake with the beet layer on the top and sides, and decorate with dill.
You can use a spoon to build the cake or use your hands - it's easier to pat each layer firmly. After assembling, chill in the fridge for a few hours before serving. You can cut and serve just like a cake or in a bowl. Enjoy!!