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Learning to live with a brain tumor, part 3

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

Transition to Treatment

It's hard to believe that it has been three weeks since my surgery at Duke. I've been back to Durham since for post-op tests and consultations, and also had appointments locally at a partner hospital. I've also been so blessed with the support and generosity of family, friends, colleagues,'s truly uplifting and so helpful to have such an incredible support network.

The past two weeks or so have been about learning to navigate what feels like a whole new language and entirely (pre-March/April) unfamiliar systems - new medical terms, side effects of different prescriptions, scheduling and timing follow-on treatments and appointments, distinctions between health care professionals including roles, departments, functions,'s been a whirlwind.

It's also been a time of transition. I've learned that post-operation treatments will begin soon; not quite yet, in order to give my head a bit more time to heal. Short term, this means follow-on treatments starting within the next 10 days or so. Longer-term will depend on how the treatments go, and will involve further consultations with the Duke team.

We knew this would be a steep hike, and are still figuring things out -and adapting - day by day. I am so incredibly grateful to all of the health care professionals, family, and friends who have lifted me up and continue to do so through this journey.

I thought I'd conclude this update by sharing this beautiful photo of a tree going through its own transition. Have a safe and healthy weekend, and thank you for the continued support!

April 23, 2021

Photo: tree in courtyard blossoming with pink flowers and green leaves, Arlington, Virginia


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