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  • stanleycurrier5

Go Gray in May!

Did you know that May is recognized in the U.S. as Brain Tumor Awareness Month? Also known as brain cancer awareness month, the color gray is associated with the ribbon to raise awareness.

I'm honored to kick off the month's activities to #GoGrayInMay by sharing that I was selected by 2nd Chance 2 Live in 'A Face of Strength' this month. My quote for the campaign is in the picture above, which reads -

"I've learned that living with hope is a lot more enjoyable than living with pessimism. For me, my loved ones, and for so many others, I hope with all my being that scientific advances and breakthroughs continue in the realm of cancer treatments and cures. I'm hopeful for long-term survival."

I will be sharing reflections throughout the month shining a spotlight on the individuals who've been instrumental in helping me to make it this far over the past year!


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